Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Simply, Simon


Do we sometimes think “life sucks and then we die” when we’ve had a long stretch of bad luck or Karma?

The flaw in our evaluation of our present "bad Karma" is that we
still think we are cameras, objectively recording God's daily load of
difficulties handed directly to each one of us. Rich or poor, known or unknown, we all get our equal share of “stuff”. When we label that “stuff” crap or great we are in error. It’s neither and both at the same time.

We think we are cameras when, in reality, we are really projectors. We give
everything we see a value, an opinion, a like or dislike, a yes or no. Everything
we contact is seen through these judgements that we project like colored filters in front of a lens, shading everything we see. We are blinded by our own opinions. Objectivity is a fantasy, like the tooth fairy, that has nothing to do with reality. It is impossible to step outside of one’s basic, vital interests..

So, to say an event is bad Karma or good Karma, is to spray paint it white or
black. Creation itself seems neutral, it doesn’t seem to care what we think, but, we, on the other hand, LOVE what we think. We paint everything with emotional colors from our own minds’ palette of beliefs.

Instead of seeking the blessing in disguise, we fixate on the loss without
balancing that with our gain. Or we cheer the gain and ignore the loss. That balancing act is called harmonizing the duality, the Yin-Yang nature of this creation. Nothing is good or bad: it’s our opinions that make them so.

So we like vanilla and God sends chocolate. The solution: explore the joys of chocolate. Then, continue to party in this wonderful playpen called

Simply, Simon

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